Sleep (or lack thereof…)

And relax…

So today marks the end of Sleep Awareness Week. I’ve checked and can confirm that I am not aware of much sleep taking place since my first child was born 15 years ago.

How ironic for me that my most prolific sleep thief (child three) actually shares her birthday with the beginning of the aforementioned week!

This post is a timely reminder to look after yourself and prioritise your own rest wherever you can. It is often surprising just how much better things look/feel after a refreshing sleep (and conversely how much more challenging everything can be without adequate sleep).

Towards the end of pregnancy if tiredness comes, accept it and rest where you can, however you can. Once baby is here try where possible to do the same. I used to be annoyed by people telling me to ‘sleep when baby sleeps’ thinking to myself ‘so I’ll just wash up and do laundry when baby washes up and does her laundry shall I?’ Not quite…

Bearing in mind that babies seem to have a disproportionate amount of naps to my own tiredness levels I’m sure that while some domestic tasks are necessary, that during at least one of baby’s naps a snooze next to them would actually be quite possible.

But what if I can’t get to sleep just like that in the day though?

I hear you on this one as that’s me too. No matter how tired I am, I don’t find sleep comes easily during the day. However, having the time to lie still with your eyes closed, quietly and in a comfortable position brings more benefits than you might think. Don’t fall victim to the pressure to fall asleep right away. Just take that time to yourself, if you do fall asleep, even better.

If you are lucky enough to have a partner, family or supportive friends around then make the most of it! Baby will be fine snuggled into Dad, Granny or that special family friend while you rest for an hour.

But some people put on Facebook etc that their newborn slept through the night from two weeks old, why doesn’t my baby do that?

They’re lying and deserve to be blocked and reported to Facebook.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to bed (at 810pm).

Happy Sleeping!

Becky x

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